I've recently entered the world of video and have two main video channels. I also do some occasional speaking events as well as interviews. I've listed all of these on this page so you can keep up with my most recent video content.
Erik's Videos
Erik's Rocky Mountain National Park YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel exists to help visitors prepare for their visit to Rocky Mountain National Park. It is primarily aimed at first time visitors but I also include some additional content for those who already know and love the park such as behind the scenes looks and interviews. I relelase new episodes 2-3 times each month on Fridays at 3pm Mountain Time.
Beneath the Surface - YouTube Channel
I created this channel to help us all look beneath the surface of our lives and explore our deep desires, longings, hopes, and fears. The aim is to help us move towards health from the inside out. These are short five minute reflections and are currently being relelased each Friday at 3pm Mountain Time...
Recent Speaking Engagements and Interviews
At this link you'll find my most recent speaking engagements and interviews. I've just created this page, so there's not a lot here right now, but it will grow over time as I add more of them here.